:: Support for new profiles
:: arbvp1 [ARB_vertex_program]
:: vp30 [NV30 vertex programs]
:: fp30 [NV30 fragment programs]
:: NV30 sample shaders
:: Cg Effects Explained document
:: Improved runtime functionality

För er som kliar er i huvudet och undrar vad Nvidia Cg är, så är Nvidias egna beskrivning väldigt målande:

Welcome to Beta 2.1 of the NVIDIA Cg Toolkit. In this kit, you will find everything you need to help you take advantage of Cg, a new high-level language for graphics programming. Cg will allow you to incorporate the most stunning interactive effects the world has ever seen into your DirectX and OpenGL applications. Our mission is to help you get started with Cg as quickly as possible, so we’ve created one comprehensive install application that handles all the components of our Cg SDK.

Ladda ner den och mer program och dokumentation kring Nvidia Cg hos Nvidia.